Privacy Terms

Who We Are At Walk In The Cloud, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of all visitors to our web site. In particular, we want you to know that Walk In The Cloud is not in the business of selling, renting or trading email lists with other companies and businesses for marketing purposes.  In this Privacy Policy, we’ve provided detailed information on when and why we collect personal information, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to others, and how we keep it secure.  We take your privacy seriously and take measures to provide all visitors and users of Walk In The Cloud with a safe and secure environment. Cookies  Walk In The Cloud may set and access Walk In The Cloud cookies on your computer.  Cookies are used to provide our system with the basic information to provide the services you are requesting.  Cookies can be cleared at any time from your internet browser settings.  Google Analytics When someone visits Walk In The Cloud we us

IKEA(桃園店) - 茶几 和 邊桌 裝點客廳大成功





LACK邊桌(黑) - 299元 - 由蜂巢狀的木板(木削)構成的,裡面算是空心,所以很輕又環保喔~價格實惠~

LACK邊桌 + 室內盆栽

LACK咖啡桌 - 899元 - 長方形黑色木紋表面,質地蠻硬的,下方還有收納空間,實用!!



植物盆栽 - 玻璃瓶(49元)、裝飾石頭(39元)、盆栽(25元),合成一個特漂亮的室內植物喔!!

